Become a CPA

CPA PEP Pathways
There are many ways to build your CPA path with the first four courses of the CPA PEP being offered each semester, in all locations, and in both official languages. The CPA Common Final Examination (CFE) and two Capstone courses are offered twice per year, as per the CPA PEP schedule expansion introduced nationally in 2020.
The majority of candidates will take their courses in a linear sequence, focusing on one module per semester and taking breaks where their individual circumstances may require. While up to six years is allowable for PEP coursework, the most common timeframes are between 16 to 24 months. Within these rules, there is great flexibility to customizing the PEP path. Candidates can easily choose from various scheduling options and course modalities, including the fast-track and extended courses outlined below..
Become a CPA

Candidates have access to faster pathways by taking PEP Core 1 and Core 2 simultaneously and/or PEP Elective 1 and Elective 2 simultaneously. This option is generally of interest to candidates who are not working for a period of time and can dedicate an average of 40 hours per week to their CPA studies.
With this approach, candidates can complete their first four modules during two full-time terms (Core 1, Core 2, Elective 1, Elective 2) and then finish their final coursework in two additional part-time terms (Capstone 1, Capstone 2, and the CPA Common Final Exam) and allowing for shorter program combinations, as follows:
Summer start: 10-month CPA PEP path
Fall start: 11-month CPA PEP path
Spring start: 13-month CPA PEP path
Winter start: 16-month CPA PEP path

For other candidates, flexibility is more important than speed. In support of this, CPA Atlantic School offers extended versions of Core 1, Core 2, and the four PEP electives every summer term and every winter term (i.e. every second PEP semester).
Candidates who would prefer a more generous timeline to study and absorb the course material may choose to take the extended modality, which comprises the same content and structure as the regular course, but over an extended 20-week offering rather than the usual eight weeks. Candidates can take the extended Core 1 on its own, or choose to simultaneously take extended Core 1 and Core 2 together, bringing average study time back up to approximately 20 hours per week. This is applicable to the PEP electives as well.