This article contains contains a reminder on important information about an upcoming change to the Information Technology (ITE) CPA preparatory course.
With the increased focus on information technology and data analytics in the core technical competencies in the CPA Competency Map and the redesign of the ITE course, the significance of these changes has resulted in the decision to change the ITE course from a non-core to a core prerequisite requirement for admission to the CPA PEP, effective May 1, 2022.
As a result of this change, the course’s structure and requirements will align with the other core courses, which include:
Introductory Financial Accounting (IFA) and Introductory Management Accounting (IMA) becoming pre-requisites for enrolling in the core ITE course
a standardized format of six instructional weeks and a final examination
a pass requirement of 60% in the course
currency of education (10 years)
inclusion in the minimum grade point average (GPA) requirement of 65% (or equivalent) for core courses
The new pre-requisite requirements (IFA and IMA) will apply for any student whose CPA eligibility assessment is issued after April 30th, 2022.
Any student who elects to write their ITE exam after April 2022 (Semester 2) will be subject to a price increase and the exam format will change from 100% MCQs (non-core format), to the core format which is 50% MCQs and 50% construct questions. Please note that exam format and delivery method is subject to change.
As it relates to admission to the CPA PEP, CPA will honour (grandfather) the non-core requirements related to minimum grade (50%) and currency of education in the assessment for external courses completed by April 30, 2022. This policy will apply through to May 1, 2032.
Students completing the ITE course through an external post-secondary institution after May 1, 2022 must achieve a minimum course grade of 60% and be within the currency of education (10 years) to be granted the ITE core course exemption.
Please forward any questions you have on these upcoming changes to